How To Believe In Yourself When Nobody Else Does


Self-believe is an integral part of our life if someone wants to achieve their respective dreams. Our life is not that simple, it’s full of drama, emotions, actions and one has to fight or combat every situation in your life. There is no such word as impossible, as because impossible is very much I am possible. We are a human being; our mind is very restless. Many times, it happens in our life that we are not confident with our work, so what we do? We look up to other and seek for the validation. We need someone validation that we are on the right path. Is it really we need? Think minutely are you not capable enough to judge your own work? You are an adult with full of maturity, so why do you seek for the validation? If you have doubt on your own work how can other will have faith in you? Think twice. Hope you all hear the name of Henry Ford. According to him ” if you feel everyone is against you, don’t worry, look at the airplane, it also takes off against the wind”.

Constantly if you look up to others to get the inspiration and validation you will keep hunting. Rather than this you could have dig deep and find the belief in yourself. By this, you can chase your dream too.

Take your own decisions and prove it to yourself

You are not here to prove other, first prove yourself that you can do. Just go in front of the mirror and say to yourself that yes you can do itIfyoubelieve in yourself. Have you ever done this before? If not do it once and you will feel the power and motivation in you. Take your own decisions, do not depend on other. No one can decide what is best for you. You are one who knows what exactly you want. You want to change your career, but tor parents won’t allow you. Why seeking approval from others. Be quiet and let your work speak to the world.


Avoid or stop comparing yourself with others

The comparison is nothing but a thief of joy. The comparison will make you a weak person. Whenever you compare yourself with other every time you degrade yourself. Every person has different qualities. Everyone is unique. No one is your competitor. Your competition is with you, not with others.


Forget about the past and embrace the present

The easy way to avoid a tough situation is an escape. Past is over, it will not come back. Let learn from the past and make yourself a better person in the future. Live your present moment and learn from the past and move towards your dream.


Find the reason holding you back

Do you know why you seek approval from others? It’s only because of fear. Fear of failure, fear of the challenges that may come up. When you doubt on your own work fear grows automatically and it holding you back. You have to be a strong mentality and should have the guts to face the consequences. Face your fear and move ahead. Don’t let the fear dominate you. Learn from your failure and move ahead and conquer the world.

So, these are some tips to believe in yourself when no one else does. So just trust and believe in yourself and say to yourself that yes you can lead a better and cheerful life.


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