How To Fight Against Child Trafficking?


It is mostly happening in the city you live in.  It may be falling in your neighborhood.  It might even be appealing to someone you know. Child trafficking can sometimes seem like too big a concern to take on, but every action implies. No country is safe from social trafficking, including the United States. It’s a violation that influences people of every age. Globally, million children are enslaved to contemporary grind, which involves child trafficking, forced labor, and child marriage. Here are some ways for you to take action against child trafficking:

The more information or education one has about what child trafficking is, the better adapted and equipped one is to stop it.  Educate yourself about child trafficking. Read books and watch videos, listen to experts.

Protect children.

Injured or abandoned young people are remarkably exposed to trafficking. Two bills before Congress can overcome the hazards they face. Senate versions of the Strengthening the Child Welfare Rejoinder to Trafficking Act -H.R. 1732 and S.1823, will change state child welfare systems to completely defend children.

Build information with those you recognize, whether it is within your group of associates and relatives, local services and faith-based clubs, your work conditions, and even with your local legislators and representatives. Ensure that schools in your area are also aware of child trafficking, and how children within their own schools may be implied, victims.

Descendants of child trafficking especially women and girls are often defamed, which immortalizes their awareness of trafficking. It begins with the way we talk about this problem for example, a tramp is often a victim of physical exploitation and it is not a cool guy, but rather someone who oppresses and misuses people.

Become an advocate about child trafficking.  Talk out about the matter to others within the groups you are affiliated with.  Write notes to the director of your local newspapers, and to lawmakers. Support your state authorities to proceed to discuss this problem.  Become engaged in anti-trafficking works where you live, and in your own city and area.  When you see any unusual activity you consider may be related to child trafficking, make that phone call to 911, or call the 24-hour National Human Trafficking Resource Center line.

Get the Clues

Whether it is at a terminal, a bus stop, near a resort, a salon, at a large sporting contest, you might pass by a victim of child trafficking and not understand it.  When you are able to understand what a victim looks like, you can completely help them.

Child trafficking is a gendered problem approximately 80% of those constrained to slavery around the world is women and girls. If we are going to win the fight against child trafficking, we require men to grow harmful social norms and mesh in discussions about the commodification of women in their secular circles. Trafficking is both complex and far-reaching, but there are things we can do to bring these inequalities to an end.  End Trafficking Project works to educate about what child trafficking is so that we can all take steps to close the circle of exploitation.


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