The Power Of Ayurveda

The Power Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda treats our needs according to our predominant dosha, but this does not prevent this science from developing a more general discourse on our diet. In short, here are some of their tips like naturopathy; Ayurveda advocates the consumption of fruits outside meals. A digestive incompatibility if consumed after a meal. The cold food is a real aggression for our body. Ice-cold beverages or foods that come out of the refrigerator should take the time to adjust to room temperature and your body temperature before being eaten.

Our digestive capacity will be the strongest at breakfast time: like the sun in the sky! It is at this moment that one must take one’s most loaded meal. In the West, we speak rather of breakfast (Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a beggar). In any case, we agree, the evening is synonymous with lightness. To sleep better and better digest!

Avoid changing your diet too much, especially if you are going to travel. Your body needs time to adapt its intestinal flora to change. Regarding the flavors, Ayurveda advocates an order in their consumption during a meal. First the sweet or sweet flavor (the fruits to consume before the meal), the second acid and salty and finally we finish the meal with pungent tastes, bitter or astringent. This new categorization forces us to see our food differently under the eyes of flavors. A typical but very interesting you cannot find?

Vata is the movement. Its characteristics are: cold, light, irregular, immobile. It is understood because it is the combination of air (moving, light, changing, fresh) and ether. When you are a Vata person, it means that you have a lot of Vata. The manifestations of this excess on our character are: to be chilly, to have cold extremities of the body, restless and light sleep, you have peaks of energy but you tire yourself just as fast, a high flow of speech, gases, bloating, a light weight, creative and restructured imagination, etc. So you are lightness and even cold drought, your goal: to seek to “weigh you down” and warm you up.

Pitta is energy and transformation, no wonder, you represent fire! Its characteristics are: hot, oily, liquid, mobile, penetrating. When one has an excess of Pitta (an excess of fire, of heat!), it is manifested logically by: an oily skin, a rather strong and muscular body, you are often hot and this boiling excess manifests itself in your skin (acne, fat) or your stomach (ulcers), you sleep well and have excellent energy reserves throughout the day, your speech rate is under control, etc. In short, you are bubbling with energy and warmth which brings you indisputable qualities, but sometimes there is too much heat and you suffer from it. Too much anger or perfectionism! So you have to learn to moderate, refresh, and control this big hot pot!

Kapha is the balance, between water and earth! And to tell you the truth, you’re pretty lucky. Kapha are known for their balance and therefore for their greater longevity. Its characteristics are: cold, wet, heavy and firm, sticky and soft. In short, you have weight and consistency while not being too rigid or airy. The manifestations of an excess of Kapha are: congestion in the sinuses or in the lungs, a rigid and fixed spirit, a normal skin, you are neither too hot nor too cold and your body is voluptuous and round, your calm unruffled and your heavy sleep provide you with solid energy, your speaking speed is slow. But, it’s the inertia that is waiting for you! You must learn to take the counter part of your nature slow and posed to move!


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