4 stunning techniques to make a lasting impression on your customers


Many industry experts today believe that retaining existing customers is much more beneficial and inexpensive as compared to acquiring new customers. That is, if you focus on improving customer retention, you will certainly see significant growth in your revenues and overall business.

As the needs of travellers have been evolving, it is essential that you work on your strategies to give your customers the best experience possible while staying ahead of the competition. Whether you work for the traditional brick-and-mortar travel companies or in the emerging online space, here is what you should do in order to build a strong relationship with your customers.

Adopt personalized communication methods


Sending standard email templates will not fetch the desired results. Instead, you could apply customer analytics to gauge your customers and then go for personalized messaging. That is, you could understand the kind of travel products or services your customers are interested in and promote your products or services as per their specific needs. For instance, an emailer on honeymoon packages would fail to entice if your customer is single at the moment.

Go the extra mile in meeting expectations


If you want to maintain a strong relationship with your customers, it is vital that you deliver more than what the customer wants. This is the best way to delight your customers and make them want to come back to you. Start with addressing their concerns in a timely manner and provide solutions much earlier than the expected turnaround time.

Recognize your loyal customers


While you are busy seeking new business from prospective customers, it is equally important to please those who are already your dedicated patronizers. Display appreciation and recognition by launching special rewards and loyalty programs. For instance, you can launch exclusive tour packages at discounted rates for your existing customers or one free booking if your customer has already made ten bookings.

Engage by sharing expert advice


Your customers come to you with the belief that you are a travel expert. Give them a reason to feel confident about their beliefs. One great way to show your expertise is by connecting with them actively by sharing knowledge and tips on the travel sector. Create content that enlightens them with complete knowledge about the trending travel destinations, recommendations on upcoming hotspots in their location, etc. This is an excellent way to keep your customers connected with you. It would work more effectively if you engage on social media channels as the majority of travelers are active on social media channels.


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