Behaviours That Can Make You More Attractive


Being attractive has nothing to do with your physical looks alone. One’s personality includes his/her behaviour as well. The way you handle people, react and respond to them all counts in making others feel that you’re attractive. Wondering how one’s behaviour makes him/her attractive..? Let’s see…

Following are some really important behaviours one should possess which will attract people towards you in a jiffy!


Be A Good Listener

At times people may want you only to listen to their stuff. Most of the times, when in distress, individuals opt to share their agony to a second person to feel good. All they need is an active listener. But being a good listener isn’t only applicable to this scenario. Whenever someone is narrating you anything, try not to drift off your concentration. If the talker feels that you’re a great listener, he/she will definitely arise a positive impression on you.


Smile With An Open Heart

One’s smile could create wonders. You don’t even know how precious your smile is at times. Just imagine that your friend is having a bad day and is feeling too low. If you approach him/her with a smiling face, without knowledge you’ll be providing a positive vibe into your friend. Try to keep one brief smile on your help. It really helps in attracting people towards you by vibrating a positive aura towards them. After all, how much time does it take to wear a beautiful curve on your lips..?


Be Kind Towards Others

Be always kind towards your fellow beings. Being arrogant will never gift you any love, but being kind will gift you a good number of followers. Kindness and compassion are very rare to find in the day today’s world. So when one finds it, it feels nourishing. If you find someone in some kind of trouble or distress, heal his wounds with a kind approach. It really counts a lot for him/her.


Eye Contact

If you are into discussing something or are explaining something to one or a group of persons, always remember to keep a strong eye contact with the listeners. Looking directly into one’s eye and explaining stuff is a way of reflecting your confidence. While you connect eyes with your listener, he/she will automatically grow up interest on whatever you’re narrating. This is a way of attractive behaviour and also benefits you with multiple goods such as good listeners.


Body Language

Your body language emotes more than your verbal communication at times. You shouldn’t possess a tensed body language. Express your confidence in your body language. Be firm with your movements always thereby vibrating your positivity around. Let others know how firm and confident a man you’re just by your body language. Even at the time of explaining something or when having a casual talk, use your hands to indicate stuff. Each and every movement of yours will be visually recorded by your listeners along with your verbal output, making the get attracted you.

Apart from all these, there are a lot more behavioural aspects one should count on such as expressing empathy, laughter etc. to earn more people by attracting them towards you.


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